Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University About
Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University Accreditations

Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University Faculties Majors
Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
Business Administration EN+TR
Economics EN+TR
International Trade and Finance TR EN
Islamic Economics and Finance TR EN
Faculty of Education
Arabic Language Teaching EN+TR
Classroom Teaching TR
English Language Teaching TR
Guidance and Psychological Counselling TR
Mathematics Teaching for Primary Schools TR
Pre School Teaching TR
Special Education Teaching TR
Turkish Language Teaching TR
Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences
Architecture TR
Computer Engineering TR
Electrical and Electronic Engineering EN+TR
Food Engineering TR EN
Industrial Engineering EN+TR
Interior Architecture and Environmental Design TR
Software Engineering EN+TR
Faculty of Health Sciences
Health Management TR
Nursing TR
Nutrition and Dietetics TR
Social Work TR
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
History TR
Political Science and International Relations EN
Psychology TR EN
Sociology EN+TR
Faculty of Islamic Sciences
Islamic Sciences EN+AR
Islamic Sciences AR
Faculty of Law
Law TR
Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University Master Majors Two Years Diploma
Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University Master Majors
Faculty of Social Sciences
Business Administration (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR EN
Clinical Psychology (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Educational Administration (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
English Language Teaching (With a thesis) EN
Family Counseling and Education (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Guidance and Psychological Counselling (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Health Management (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
History and Civilization Studies (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
International Banking and Finance (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Islamic Economics and Finance (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) EN
Islamic Economics and Law (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) AR
Islamic Studies (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR AR
Philosophy and Religious Sciences (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Political Science and International Relations (With a thesis) EN EN+TR
Political Science and International Relations (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Public Law (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Social Work (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Sociology (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Spiritual Counseling and Guidance (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Sports Law (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Institute of Science and Technology
Architecture (With a thesis) TR
Computer Science and Engineering (With a thesis) EN+TR
Computer Science and Engineering (Without a thesis) TR
Food Engineering (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Internal Medical Sciences (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Nutrition and Dietetics (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Obstetrics and Gynecologic Nursing (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Occupational Health and Safety (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Urban Studies and Management (With a thesis) (Without a thesis) TR
Istanbul Sabahttin Zaim University Phd
Faculty of Social Sciences
Business Administration TR
Educational Administration TR
English Language and Literature EN
History and Civilization Studies TR
Islamic Economics and Finance EN
Islamic Economics and International Finance TR
Islamic Economics and Law AR
Islamic Studies TR
Political Science and International Relations EN EN+TR
Psychology TR
Public Law TR
Social Work TR
Sociology TR
Institute of Science and Technology
Architecture TR
Computer Science and Engineering EN+TR
Food Engineering TR
Internal Medical Sciences TR
Urban Renewal TR
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